This includes reading the part print, and applying trigonometric functions. The student is required to do all of the work necessary to produce a variety of parts on a CNC Mill or CNC Lathe. (formerly CNC 292S) This is an introductory course in manually preparing the programs for CNC Mills and Lathes. Use WebAdvisor to check for Mastercam and Cimatron classes that may be added for Fall 2004. These courses are part of the Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship program. For Computer Numerical Control courses, see ATMT-2270 and ATMT-2280 (Computer Numerical Control Concepts 1 & 2). Current students will be contacted by the associate dean’s office and will be given alternate classes to finish their degree. NOTE: CNCT COURSES ARE NO LONGER OFFERED AS PART OF THE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM. Terminology used in the field of machining will be emphasized.

A variety of CAD/CAM programming concepts used in industry will be discussed. Through lecture, reading assignments, and lab, the student will learn various programming skills, such as three dimensional surface construction, surface blending and filleting, techniques for developing parting surfaces for molds and dies, surface trimming, multiple surface offsetting, contour profile milling and pocketing, rough and finish surface machining, surface re-machining, calculations for feeds and speeds, and post processing. (formerly CNC 262) This course will teach the technical student intermediate level concepts of 3D CAD/CAM programming as it applies to the manufacturing field.